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By: Cole Amodeo


David Snider, Junior class president puts many hours into school related activities such as setting up for rallies, homecoming, sport events, and dances. David plays varsity football and baseball, and is engaged in model United Nations, Cooking Club, CSF, and Teen Peer Court. In his free time, David enjoys volunteering at the SPCA and homeless shelter. Here is what David has to say about the extracurricular activities which he partakes in: “There is nothing like the feeling of scoring that winning touchdown or hitting my third inside the park home run last year. I do all that I can for my school in hopes that I can make a serious impact on what being a Scotts Valley High School Falcon truly is. I do my best in and outside of the school because I strictly follow the School wide Learner’s Outcome. As far as volunteering goes, I love being able to help anybody out in any way that I possibly can. I am in student government because I wish to make everybody’s high school experience the best that it can possibly be. I try to live life by something that a wise man once told me: ‘The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.’” David is the reason that all school events are so well coordinated. He makes the campus a peaceful environment for learning by making sure that everybody feels welcome at the falcon’s nest. David goes all out with everything he sets his mind to, and never quits the race until he is finished. If you see David around campus, let him know how thankful we are at the nest to have such a generous and well-rounded president figure at Scotts Valley High School, home of the Falcons.


A Word from our President:

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